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Below are the pieces Sagita has composed so far, sorted from her earliest to her most recent piece.



Instrumentation: Marimba and Electronics

Duration: Â± 8’00

Performers: Chikita Amanda (Marimba), Sagita Alisya (Patch Operator)

Premiere:​ "Superbloom" Senior Composition Recital by Sagita Alisya (10/12/2020) - via Youtube Premiere

* Patch for electronic manipulation created by Antonius Sugeng Priyanto



Instrumentation: Orchestra

Duration: Â± 12’00


  1. Violin 1           : Ibnu Aji Wasesa**, Sean Jethro

  2. Violin 2           : Joseph Notoprodjo*, Samuel Elnathan

  3. Viola               : Theola Natasha*, Felicia Amadea

  4. Violoncello      : Vicky Kezia

  5. Contrabass      : Charles Pranata

  6. Flutes 1, 2       : Ryon Regasa Karetji

  7. Oboe               : Afdhal Zikri

  8. Clarinets 1, 2   : Muhammad Nur Ikhsan

  9. Bassoon          : Azkal Azkiya

  10. Horns 1, 2       : Daniel Kristanto

  11. Trumpet           : Fero Aldiansya Stefanus

  12. Trombone        : Johan Hizkia Damaris

  13. Percussion       : Meutia Azka, Stefiani Maria

(** = Concert Master , * = Principal )

Premiere:​ "Superbloom" Senior Composition Recital by Sagita Alisya (10/12/2020) - via Youtube Premiere



Instrumentation: Cello and Piano

Duration: Â± 15’00

Performers: Jonathan William Abraham (Cello), Randy (Piano)

Premiere:​ "Superbloom" Senior Composition Recital by Sagita Alisya (10/12/2020) - via Youtube Premiere


Bluebells and Evening Primroses

Instrumentation: Oboe, Horn, and Piano

Duration: Â± 4’00

Performers: Wirya Satya (Oboe), Yunarto Krisan (Horn), Nathania Vanessa (Piano)

Premiere:​ "Superbloom" Senior Composition Recital by Sagita Alisya (10/12/2020) - via Youtube Premiere


Noctiluca scintillans

Instrumentation: Bassoon Solo

Duration: Â± 2’30

Performers: Dr. Christin Schillinger

Premiere:​ World Premiere of New Works for Solo Bassoon - via Facebook Live


Detached Pieces and Intimidation

Instrumentation: String Quartet

Duration: Â± 12’00

Performers: Ibnu Aji Wasesa (Violin 1), Joseph Notoprodjo (Violin 2), Cheryl Natasha (Violin 2), Victory Kezia (Violincello)

Premiere:​ "Horizon" Junior Composition Recital by Sagita Alisya (30/09/2019) - UPH Main Campus, Karawaci, Tangerang


Vertical Garden

Instrumentation: SATB Choir with Piano Accompaniment

Duration: Â± 10’00

Performers: UPH Concert Choir (Conductor - Tyasta Pangalila, Piano Accompanist - Wilhelmine Maria Loe)​

Premiere:​ "Horizon" Junior Composition Recital by Sagita Alisya (30/09/2019) - UPH Main Campus, Karawaci, Tangerang


​The Horizon that Follows

Instrumentation: Piano Solo

Duration: Â± 3’00

Performers: Lai Weizhen

Premiere:​ "Horizon" Junior Composition Recital by Sagita Alisya (30/09/2019) - UPH Main Campus, Karawaci, Tangerang


Bangku, Kolam, Senja

Instrumentation: Piano Trio 

Duration: Â± 4’30

Performers: Ibnu Aji Wasesa (Violin), Victory Kezia (Violoncello), Valerie Wellington (Piano)


The Natural

Instrumentation: Piano Solo

Duration: Â± 4’30

Performers: Lai Weizhen


​Flight and a Wide Space

Instrumentation: Piano Trio

Duration: Â± 6’30

Performers: Ryon Regasa Karetji (Flute), Calvina Izumi (Piano)

Premiere:​ Composition Showcase: Odyssey (23/01/2019) - UPH Main Campus, Karawaci, Tangerang


The Passing of a Storm

Instrumentation: Voice with Piano Accompaniment

Duration: Â± 5’55

Performers: Monica Yasmine Sally (Voice), Lai Weizhen (Piano)



Instrumentation: Trombone and Piano Four-Hands

Duration: Â± 4'10

Performers: Raden Silvester (Trombone), Amadea Halim (Piano – Primo), William  Sunadjo (Piano – Secondo)


​And He Returns to B612

Instrumentation: Female Vocal Quartet

Duration: Â± 5'30

Performers: Jacqoeline P. D. N. L Toruan (Soprano 1), Monica Yasmine Sally (Soprano 2), Macella Nuradi (Alto 1), Risa Diany Prameswari (Alto 2)



Instrumentation: Violin Solo

Duration: Â± 3’0

List of Works: CV

©2019 by Sagita Alisya. Proudly created with

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